Monday, June 21, 2010


Religious Requirement

o Must be certified HALAL by Jabatan Agama or the relevant body.

o Must be raised in a humane manner in a clean environment.

Nutrition and Husbandry

o No sub-therapeutic antibiotics to be used.

o Treatment of disease by antibiotics permitted but withholding period must be twice that recommended on the label.

o De-worming permitted but withholding period must be twice that recommended on the label.

o De-worming program to be fully documented for audit.

o Vaccination of endemic disease permitted. Must have day-time access to outside fields. Each chicken must have minimum of 25 sqft. of field to roam in.

o If land is not sufficient, a minimum of 10sqft. is permitted so long as the chickens are moved every two weeks to fresh fields with fresh grass.

o Minimum of 30% of daily feed requirement must be from grasses and plants.

o No animal protein such as meat and bone meal, blood meal, or even fish meal to be fed to the chickens.

Farm Operations

o The farm must be operated on environmentally sound principles.

o Dead chickens are to be composted on site and converted to fertilizer. Chicken dunk must be composted and converted to fertilizer.

o No pesticides to be used on the chickens and fields. Control will be by ecological principles and use of beneficial microbes.

o No synthetic fertilizers o be used on the fields.

o No disinfectants to be used apart from vinegar and H2O2 which are biodegradable, and food safe and biodegradable detergent.


o Slaughtering must be by humane methods. Chicken should not be stressed in any way during handling prior to slaughter. They should be kept calm.

o Traveling distance must not be than 2 hours from slaughtering place or at night, 3 hours.

o Frozen chickens are permitted to be aged up to 24 hours before selling.

o HACCP to be implemented.

Other Requirements

o HACCP, SALT and / or GAHP to be implemented.


o Label Rouge